Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

What IS the Best Cat Litter?

What IS the Best Cat Litter?.
its important for you. At the current time, I have one very stinky unaltered male kitty, one mama kitty with a litter of eight, and four beautiful, clean, respectable girl kitties with no bad litter box habits, all living in my home. Yes folks, that’s 14 indoor kitties! You can imagine I have to be quite particular about what cat litter I use. the Best Cat Litter.
It’s been difficult, though, trying to find one cat litter that suited everyone because we’ve got problem areas, like my breeding girl who needs extra antibacterial care and has trouble “getting into position” in the litter box, and my male who has incredibly strong urine odor. Also, we litter train all our kittens starting at 4 weeks old. So in reality, there’s never going to be just one “best” litter here for everyone.

What do I want in a litter?

  • Good value
  • Convenient availability (I’m able to find it locally)
  • Odor control without being heavily perfumed
  • Low dust
  • Low tracking
  • and Clumping if possible

Here are the litters we tested and how they performed, from least expensive to most expensive: the Best Cat Litter

neat cat clay litter – Plain clay litter is the best thing to start out on with your new kitten. Clumping litters are not recommended for kittens under 6 months old. neat Cat terracotta litter is readily available, very inexpensive, and provides odor control providing you perform proper litter box maintenance. Clay litter needs to be scooped daily and completely dumped and changed at least twice a week with only one kitten.

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